North Central 1 has taken over the region in terms of new and active cases of COVID-19.
The sub-district of the North Central zone has 180 active cases with 19 added in the last 24 -hours.
North Central 1 includes, Albertville, Big River, Birch Hills, Blaine Lake, Candle Lake, Canwood, Chitek Lake, Christopher Lake, Debden, Leask, Marcelin, Meath Park, Paddockwood, Parkside, Pebble Baye, Shellbrook, Timber Bay, Waskesiu and Weirdale.
In North Central 2, which is the City of Prince Albert, there are now 123 active cases, with 14 added in the last 24 hours.
North Central 3, which includes Alvena, Cudworth, Duck Lake, Hague, Hepburn, Laird, Rosthern, St. Louis, Wakawm Wakaw Lake and Waldheim, had six new cases which gives them 83 active infections.
The 39 new cases in the last day mean North Central now has 386 active infections and 29 people are in the hospital.
No new deaths were recorded leaving the total at 78.
New doses of vaccine dropped with 246 additional shots given out, a reduction of 145.
Of the 246 new doses, 130 were second doses meaning 51,155 people in the zone are now fully vaccinated.
Elsewhere in the north, new cases were reported in North East (10), North West (57), the Far North West (13) and the Far North East (13).
The entire province had 425 new confirmed cases with Saskatoon having 115, Central West (12), Central East (35), Regina (49), South West (21), South Central (12) and South East (40) zones and nine new cases have pending residence information
Also, nine cases with pending residence information were reassigned to Far North West (from October 9 (1)), Far North East (from October 9 (1)), North West (from October 9 (1)), North Central (from October 9 (2)), Saskatoon (from October 9 (1)), Central East (from October 9 (1)), Regina (from October 9 (1)), South East (from October 6 (1)) zones.
So far since the start of the pandemic, 72,458 cases have been confirmed, and of those, 17,668 cases are from the North area (7,772 North West, 7,264 North Central, 2,632 North East), 17,464 cases are from the Saskatoon area and 14,388 cases are from the Regina area.
-8,781 cases are from the South area (1,986 South West, 2,697 South Central, 4,098 South East)
-8,660 cases are from the Far North area (4,068 Far North West, 541 Far North Central, 4,051 Far North East)
-4,868 cases are from the Central area (1,319 Central West, 3,549 Central East)
-629 cases have pending residence information
-4,658 cases are considered active and 67,049 cases are considered recovered
Nearly one third (31.8 per cent) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39 while about one in six (17.9 per cent) of new cases in those aged 12 years and older were fully vaccinated.
As of October 11, a total of 347 individuals are hospitalized; including 268 inpatient hospitalizations, and 79 ICU hospitalizations.
Of the 347 patients, 260 (74.7 per cent) were not fully vaccinated
Four new deaths were reported; one in the Central East, two in Saskatoon and one in Regina.
751 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died with a case fatality rate of 1.0 per cent.
1,175,318 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of October 7, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 983,085 tests performed per million. The national rate was 1,162,631 tests performed per million.
The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 483 (40.1 new cases per 100,000).