by Ruth Griffiths
A year ago, I made predictions for 2017. Here is my assessment of the accuracy of those predictions.
- I predicted that Angela Merkel would be returned as Chancellor of Germany in national elections in September. She has assumed her fourth term as chancellor, but is still trying to stitch together a coalition government. One point for me.
- I predicted that Donald Trump would sue Hillary Clinton. Wrong although Hillary has considered suing The Donald.
- I predicted nations would spend more on cyber security. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts global spending on cyber security products and services will exceed $1 trillion cumulatively over the next five years, and increase of 12-15 per cent. One point for me.
- I predicted increased labour unrest due to a slump in the economy. In September The United Steelworkers served strike notice to Evraz, a Regina steel company. There has been lots of grumbling about layoffs and wage reductions, but no major, crippling job action. Zero points for me.
- I predicted the first human head transplant. Italian neuroscientist Sergio Canavero has scheduled a head transplant for December 2017, but as of mid-month, it’s only talk. Zero points.
- I predicted a vaccine for HIV (AIDS) would become commercially available. In July, researchers announced an early prototype of the vaccine had triggered the immune system in an early phase of human trials. But it’s a long way from hitting the shelves of your pharmacy. Zero points.
- I predicted that colder temperatures would curtail some Winter Festival activities in February. Well, it seems nothing can stop the longest running winter festival in western Canada. The Prince Albert Winter Festival will thumb its nose at the cold again in 2018. Zero points.
- I predicted that Prince Albert would see an influx of fire evacuees this summer. About 600 residents of Pelican Narrows arrived in Prince Albert just before the start of school in September. One point for me. And major points for the Red Cross and others who assisted Northerners in their time of crisis.
- I predicted that Saskatchewan police would be trained in the use of a device for roadside testing for driver impairment due to marijuana. The federal government is spending $161 million in training police in road-side drug testing. One point for me, I think, although I cannot confirm that Saskatchewan police have taken that training yet.
- I predicted water restrictions this spring due to the 2016 oil spill in North Saskatchewan River. However, it appears that the upgrades to Prince Albert’s water system, paid for in part by Husky Oil, have met the challenge of filtering water before it reaches your tap. A water reservoir recently completed on the West Hill will also help to provide residents with backup water in the case of polluted river water. Zero points for me, happily.
Well that’s four points out of 10, a failing grade by any standard.