1) Council can be divisive and public reaction to controversial decisions critical. How would you handle dissenting opinions on council or public criticism, and can we count on you to respect all opinions, whether you agree or not?
I have always respected everyone’s opinions on all topics.
2) The city is facing several major urgent infrastructure needs, such as the new recreation centre, roads in need of repaving, the central avenue replacement and aging water and sewer infrastructure. How would you prioritize what work needs to be done without breaking the bank? What do you think the top infrastructure priorities are?
I like to continue doing the paving program. Also would like to see Central Avenue done.
3) One of the biggest line items in the city’s budget is the police budget. Do you support increasing or decreasing the police budget? If increasing, where will that money come from? If decreasing, where will it go?
Support the police budget where it is at now.
4) The city is facing rising rates of crime and poverty. While enforcement is part of the picture, so is prevention, including supporting the most vulnerable. Should the city play a bigger role in fighting poverty and homelessness? If so, how?
Yes By working with all the Partnerships within the city. Like the YWCA homeward bound.
5) The city has come under fire recently for poor communication with residents. Do you see this as a problem? How will you address this?
City Has to communicate properly with our residents.
6) What, to you, is the biggest issue facing the city/ward? What do you propose as a solution?
In a press release, Miller said she wants to continue to improve conditions in her ward and work toward a fairer distribution of funds and services throughout the city.
7) 7) Why should people vote for you?
I have experience and knowledge I am very trustworthy and the residents call me I always respond inquiries. I’m always trying to get answers
8) What are your plans to improve parks/Little Red? The city has released a Little Red River Park master plan, but its many goals could prove costly. Meanwhile, the city’s playgrounds are also in need of an upgrade. Is improving the city’s recreation facilities a priority?
Last council made playgrounds a priority this top on our list to Grade all of them that is in need.
9) COVID-19 might be spiking again, but it won’t be here forever. When this pandemic has passed us by, what role should the city play in helping businesses bounce back?
I would like to see maybe if we could hold the taxes at 2019 rates and work with the Chamber of Commerce and seek their advice.