Patrick Hordyski is seeking a third term as a trustee on the Prince Albert Catholic School Division board of education. Hordyski says he’s seeking another term to be an advocate for students and continue the work that is being done by the current board.
“Kids are my number one priority as a board member and I am blessed to be part of a fantastic board for two terms. It has always been our major focus was to do the best, give the kids the best possible education possible right from the early years to graduation, it’s all very important,” Hordyski said.
Over the past four years, the Board has achieved several things, Hordyski said, including balancing the budget, being one of the top five divisions for on-time graduation rates and a leader in meeting provincial targets for on-time graduation of First Nations students according to Horsyski’s biography.
Hordyski’s family has a legacy in Catholic education as his father once represented Unit 56 in the old rural school division and taught him that education and involvement in education were important.
“When I decided to something that’s what I wanted to do. Education is so important for kids in order to succeed in life so that is what I made my priority. We all struggle as a board and stuff and of course I advocate for additional funding.”
Hordyski is currently employed by SGI managing facilities and believes that is also an asset.
He explained that he is a fourth degree member of the Knights of Columbus and Catholic education is important and he will continue to advocate for the cause.
”Being brought up Catholic I believe we have an edge. We give our students an edge, it’s more than just a religion class it’s almost like a way of life which we help the kids morally,” he said.
Hordyski gave examples of students in the Catholic Division helping people through small projects helping senior citizens and others.
“I think we just have a nice balanced education in our schools. I think we have an edge over the public in that in those areas. I want to make sure that we continue with Catholic education in the province,” Hordyski said.
“I am a strong advocate for Catholic education I do whatever I can to help secure funding or look for funding. I’m so proud to be part of a fantastic board,” Hordyski said.
There are currently two vacant seats the board of education could see a mix of current and new trustees.
“With the experience I have had on the board I would like to help our new board members get adjusted and continue the good work that our school division has done. I just want to help continue the good work that we have done,” he said.
The Prince Albert Catholic School Division trustee elections are on Nov. 9.