Hike for Hospice

Submitted photo.


The first annual Rose Garden Hospice walk-a-thon was held on May 5th with over close to 100 participants and volunteers taking part. The walk-a-thon was held the first week in May to coincide with which is hospice week across Canada. The walk started at the Alfred Jenkins centre and the half way point was the land the hospice will eventually be built on, then swinging around to complete the 5 km walk back at the Alfred Jenkins. The walk-a-thon raised $ 8658.00 and Malcolm Jenkins from Canadian Tire matched and exceeded the amount with a cheque for $10,000. The Rose Garden is humbly grateful for all the participants, sponsors, and a huge thanks to Malcolm Jenkins for his unwavering support of this project.

Ralph Boychuk, spokesperson for the Rose Garden Hospice was asked what a hospice may mean for people of Prince Albert and area and north. “For the people of Prince Albert and area a quality Hospice facility will improve the quality of life for patients and their families facing problems associated with life-threatening illness. A team of health care professionals and volunteers would give medical, psychological and spiritual support for patients and their families facing this journey of life and a sense of dignity”.
