Delaney, a nine-year-old Queen Mary student, worries about threats to the global food supply.
That’s why she’s glad to help Councillor Charlene Miller pick up litter in the West Flat.
“This year there’s like lots more garbage than last year,” Delaney said. “If we just leave the garbage out, then the world’s not going to make new grass and flowers, then the bees can’t pollinate, and we can’t eat food.”
Delaney’s Grade 4 class scampered along 13 Street West on Wednesday, clearing away bags, cardboard boxes and food wrappers as they went. It was day three of Miller’s community cleanup – an annual tradition that will involve about 500 students this week.
The kids met at Parkland Facilities to eat chilli and bannock, supplied by the Métis Women’s Association.
For more on this story, see the May 4 print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.