Ecole St. Mary Class of 2024 celebrates success

Michael Oleksyn/Daily Herald Ecole St. Mary High School students celebrate their graduation at the Art Hauser Centre on Tuesday.

Ecole St. Mary High School celebrated the Class of 2024 as they walked across the stage at the Art Hauser Centre on Tuesday.

Valedictorian Haley DeBack said the class had a unique experience in their four years of high school. Their first year at the school came in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their final one saw challenges from the ongoing labour dispute between the province and the Saskatchewan Teacher’s Federation (STF).

DeBack said that the challenges made the class ready for anything that comes their way.

“It was strange,” DeBack said. “Each year, we had something different happen to us like block system, then semesters and cumulative exams like midterms, then this year with teacher strikes and all that.

“Every year was different. It was weird and it’s hard to adapt to, but at the same time, I wouldn’t have wished for a more normal experience because it made things interesting. It always kept you on your toes.”

DeBack followed in her older brother’s footsteps in being named valedictorian. She said it was a goal she aimed for since September.

“I put in a lot of work into my studies,” she said. “I knew what my grades were like. I knew what my competition was like. I was very hopeful. I was planning all year that that was my goal at the end.

“It feels so great, actually, the smile on my face when I found out. I was so happy. Everything just kind of felt worth it.”

Most of her best memories came from all of the sports she played while at Ecole St. Mary. She played Senior A volleyball and basketball, and said she enjoyed the road trips and staying in hotels with her teammates.

She was part of the Marauders volleyball team that won provincials in Prince Albert along with their male counterparts this school year.

“Getting to be with your best friends, every day you make so many new friendships, that’s where my best memories come from,” she said.

DeBack plans to attend university and hopes to study medicine.

Tuesday’s graduation also included an awards ceremony. DeBack received the Governor General Scholarship, the Governor General’s Medal, and the First Academic Award among several others.

Michael Oleksyn/Daily Herald Valedictorian Haley DeBack addressed the Class of 2024 at their graduation at the Art Hauser Centre on Tuesday.

After the diplomas were handed out and before the official part of the ceremony, Bishop Stephen Hero and others performed the Liturgy of the Word which had the Spiritual Theme “Encountering Christ: Your Path Awaits.”

Coun. Dennis Ogrodnick brought greetings from the City. Board of Education chair Suzanne Stubbs brought greetings on behalf of the board of education.

The emcees for the graduation were Esther Akinjbi and Selena Markos . Nnamdi Ndubuka gave the Salutary Address. In his speech, he said the co-MVPs for the Class of 2024 were the COVID-19 pandemic for the start of their high school years and the Government at the end for making finals optional.

The day concluded with an address from principal Dwayne Gareau. Gareau also emphasized that the year and the classes time was a challenge

If DeBack had one message for future graduates, it would be to put in the work.

“I put in a lot of work and it paid off. I just feel like If you want something good to happen, you have to work for it. We can’t expect it, and that would be my advice for everyone,” Deback said.
