Sask. Rivers reports December thefts

According to the latest Ministry of Education Loss Report, the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division was victim to a pair of thefts now being investigated by the RCMP.

The loss report is tabled quarterly to track losses of public dollars or property from government ministries.

According to the report, the bus yard was broken into on December 15, and parts stolen off of two buses. The estimated amount stolen is equivalent to $4,600, and it was reported to the RCMP. An insurance claim was filed.

The second theft took place on December 31. The fuel tank at a school was broken into, and diesel and surveillance equipment was taken. That theft was reported at $1,200 worth, and was also reported to the RCMP. The fuel tank is no longer being used at the school.

The largest loss in education came from the Prairie South School Division where the division found an employee had misappropriated $18,795 in division cash over a period of time. The employee was fired, $6,749 was recovered, but the remaining balance of $12,056 is still outstanding.

Police have been notified.

Last week regional colleges and Saskatchewan Polytechnic tabled their loss reports. North West College in Meadow Lake found $11,300 in cash payments had not been deposited between December 2016 and May 2017. That investigation is ongoing.

Sask. Polytech. had about $1,500 stolen in May 2016. The culprit could not be identified.
