One idea can spark a series of positive things. With spring being a time for cleaning, staff at schools across Prince Albert are taking part in a cleaning challenge.
The latest school to join the cause was King George School, which cleaned at both Prince Albert Collegiate Institute (PACI) and Kinsmen Park on Wednesday. Grade 7 and 8 teacher Kris Kahlika organized the school’s section of the challenge and they are following the lead of Arthur Pechey and Red Wing School. The staff was decked out in costumes as they cleaned the vast greenspace in both the fields around PACI and the Park.
“I do believe it started with Red Wing School and they kind of started a little bit of a project and challenged Arthur Pechey which then Arthur Pechey said they wanted to take it to the next level and not just kind of clean up their school yard but they wanted to help out the community as well,” he explained.
Brandi Sparboe, the Principal of Arthur Pechey explained that Red Wing School challenged their school via Instagram.
“We have a lot of students from King George that do decide to go to PACI as a high school so we thought that to keep that going on instead of just making that an elementary project,” Kalihka said.
“Cleaning up our own school felt great but it felt even better to spread the positive vibes and clean up at King George and throughout Prince Albert. We’re thankful to Red Wing for getting the ball rolling,” Sparboe said.
The challenge has now moved to PACI, according to Kalihka. He used to teach at the school and everyone agreed it would be a good time to reach out.
“And it is not too far from our school instead of just doing school grounds we wanted to go over into Kinsmen Park. A lot of our students and high school students like to enjoy that area and the basketball courts, the park and everything like that,” Kalihka said.
They want to keep the good deeps moving through schools as the challenge continues to grow.
“I think more or less we want to keep this good thing going with quarantine and everything. We just wanted a good deed to spread throughout our community and just show that teachers really do care about our students and about our community,” Kalihka said.
They practiced proper distancing and other measures to keep themselves safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.