Over 200 cases reported of COVID-19 province-wide

(File photo/Jayda Taylor)

Saskatchewan reported 208 new cases of COVID-19 across the province over the past two days.

Tuesday’s update included data from December 28 and 29.

In zones other than North Central, there were 39 cases added in both Regina and Saskatoon, 36 in the Far North East, 15 in the South East, 13 in the North West, eight in the North East, seven the Central East, four in the Central West and Far North West and a single case in the South West.

Nine new cases have pending residence information.

Single cases assigned to the North West and Central East.

Hospital numbers across the province were not reported in this update.

The Saskatoon zone leads the Active Case breakdown with 911 cases.

In second place is Regina with 503 active cases.

The total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic is 15,022. Of those, 4,251 cases are from the Saskatoon area, 2,923 cases are from the Regina area, 1,654 cases are from the far north (896 far north west, 106 far north central and 652 far north east), 1,548 cases are from the south (557 south west, 532 south central and 459 south east) and 920 cases are from the central area (339 central west and 581 central east). There are now 105 cases with pending residence information.

There are currently 674 cases that are health care workers; however, the source of the infections is not related to their work environments in all instances.

Of the 10,412 cases in the province: 620 cases are related to travel, 7,251 are community contacts, which includes mass gatherings, 3,458 have no known exposures and 3,693 are under investigation by local public health.

The age breakdown shows 3,170 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, 5,373 cases are in the 20-39-age range, 2,596 are in the 40-59-age range, 1,953 are in the 60-79-age range and 670 are in the 80-plus-age range. Five cases have a pending age confirmation.

The gender breakdown shows 50 per cent of the cases being females and 50 per cent being males.
