Ayami Greenwood has always had a strong bond with her family, especially her father.
Even though he passed away when she was still a child, Greenwood’s relationship with him inspires her daily, and it played a pivotal role in “A legacy of memories,” her second book of poetry.
“I can’t even begin to explain,” Greenwood said when asked about her parent’s influence.
The local poet’s latest work is filled with verses remembering her the activities and quirks of her parents. The poems include stories about the half-finished projects her father enthusiastically pursued, to her parents’ plan to help straighten a gap between her teeth.
Her poems offer a humorous, but loving, take on childhood, and the trials that come with it.
“I would get up in the middle of the night and I would just hear the poetry word for word, the memories were so vivid,” Greenwood said. “I had to do very few rewrites. Most (poems) were completed on the first draft.”
For the rest of this story, please see the June 27 online or print edition of the Daily Herald.