Little Red River man charged with making child pornography

Crime generally dropped in the province for 2017, though rural crime and gun violence was on the rise, according to a Statistics Canada report released July 23, 2018. (Daily Herald file photo)

A 21-year-old man from Little Red River Reserve is facing multiple charges in a child porn investigation.

Drake Christian Lacerte, 21, has been charged with making child pornography, making child pornography available and possession of child pornography.

The investigation began on July 5, 2018, when Saskatchewan’s Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit began looking into the activities of a person posting and sharing child porn online through an image sharing service. The investigators identified a location on the Little Red River Reserve where the offences were occurring.

Tuesday, ICE executed a search warrant at that location, seizing a cellphone. A laptop was seized from a separate location. The devices will be examined further.

Lacerte was arrested on scene and held in custody. he appeared in provincial court on Wednesday, where his case was adjourned until July 26 at 10 a.m. for a show cause hearing.

ICE is composed of investigators from the RCMP, Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert municipal police services. Their mandate is to investigate crimes involving the abuse and/or exploitation of children on the Internet.

Little Red River Reserve is located about 30 km north of Prince Albert.
