FSIN Vice-Chief David Pratt announces candidacy for national chief

FSIN Vice-Chief David Pratt announced his intention to run for AFN national chief in Saskatoon on Wednesday. -- David Pratt/Facebook

Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) Vice-Chief David Pratt has declared his intention to run for national chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN).

He’s the first to declare his intention to run for the position.

“As national chief, I will make sure no conversation about First Nations rights is had without our chiefs being in the room,” said Pratt in a news release.

“I look forward to continuing to meet with chiefs across the country, sitting with them, and hearing directly what the most pressing issues are for their region.”

Pratt has served two terms with the FSIN. In 2021, he was re-elected with 72 per cent of the vote.

He’s from Muscowpetung First Nation in southern Saskatchewan.

“This campaign is about restoring and rebuilding our national organization, which starts with listening,” said Pratt.

Pratt said his campaign revolves around key principles he’s heard from leadership, such as unity and inclusion, reconciliation and rights, economic empowerment and environmental stewardship.

The AFN represents over 630 First Nation communities in Canada, according to its website.
