Deputy police chief announces retirement

Stonechild considering other options to build on background and contacts to offer more to province's Indigenous community

Jason Stonechild speaks at his announcement as the Prince Albert Police Service's (PAPS) deputy chief. (Jayda Noyes/Daily Herald)

The Prince Albert Police Service has announced the retirement of Deputy Chief Jason Stonechild after a 27-year career.

In a press release, the service said Stonechild is pursuing further professional goals in the broader community. Stonechild grew up in Prince Albert and was promoted to deputy chief by current Police Chief Jon Bergen in 2018. In a press release, Bergen said Stonechild will be missed.

“Jason has over many years established himself as an important and well-regarded professional presence throughout our community”, said Bergen, also a lifetime resident of Prince Albert. “As a police officer, he has been a recognizable role model for our young people, and importantly for our Indigenous youth.  He exemplifies the Service’s core values and the rewards of hard work, strong personal relationship and higher education.”

“Jason has a lot of energy.  He had much to offer our Service, and will have much to offer his next ventures.  We wish him and his family the very best, and know he will continue to be successful in what he undertakes next.”

Prince Albert Board of Police Commissioners Chair Sheryl Kimbley, who grew up with Stonechild, thanked him for his service to the community.

“Our Service has demonstrated strong leadership in Saskatchewan policing, and as a Board we are proud of the successes and advances achieved in recent years, our development of community policing, innovations in operations, and diversity recruitment, engagement and mentorship,” she said in a press release. “Jason has made a meaningful contribution to these successes.”

In a written statement, Stonechild said the work with his “colleagues and friends” on the police service and the relationships from his years in Prince Albert have prepared him to “offer something important to the Indigenous community in our province.

“I have a young family with a bright future in Saskatchewan, and I feel a strong sense of responsibility to continue to contribute what I have to offer.,” he said.

Stonechild is considering a number of opportunities which he said will build on his goals and successes of his time with the police service.

The press release said that Mayor Greg Dionne, who sits on the police commission, has been a supporter “and admirer” of Stonechild’s career.

“He has made a lasting impact in our City for which we offer our deepest thanks.  He will undoubtedly make an impact in what he now takes on”, said Dionne.  “One thing we know, Jason won’t be low key or idle.”          
