1,084 new cases in province, 22 in North Central

The increase in COVID in Prince Albert is due to the massive growth of the Omicron variant.

The North Central zone saw 22 new cases of COVID-19 added to the count on Jan. 12, a reduction of 17 from the previous day.

The new cases are: 14 in Prince Albert to make 178 active infections, three in North Central 1 for 70 active infections and five in North Central 3 for 42 active infections.

According to testing results of city wastewater, Omicron is now the dominant variant of concern in Prince Albert at 84.2 percent of the viral load, although Delta is still present.

The numbers, effective up to Jan. 4, show a projected 6,077 per cent increase in viral load, all due to Omicron as the presence of Delta has reduced.

Testing of wastewater is done by the Global Institute for Water Security.

No new deaths were reported and hospitalizations remain at nine, with one of those in the ICU.

There are 290 total active cases in the zone and 8,340 people have recovered.

Yesterday, 108 tests were performed and 94 new doses of vaccine were administered. There are now 60,956 fully vaccinated people in the North Central zone.

Provincially, 870,957 people are fully vaccinated and 950,111 first doses have been given out.  

The province also corrected information on health order violations from Jan. 11.

Three businesses that were listed did not violate orders, rather the tickets were given to people in or near the businesses.

The businesses were the Kindersley Church, the Holy Family Catholic Church in Regina and Central Avenue Hair Studio in Swift Current.

Provincial highlights are as follows:

As of January 12, there are 1,084 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 95,174 reported cases

The new cases are located in the Far North West (23), Far North East (15), North West (40), North Central (22), North East (10), Saskatoon (416), Central West (6), Central East (48), Regina (287), South West (23), South Central (27) and South East (86) zones and 81 new cases have pending residence information

Twenty-one (21) cases were assigned to the North West (from January 6 (11), January 7 (1), January 10 (1)), North Central (from January 5 (2), January 6 (2), January 8 (1)), Central West (from January 9 (1)), Central East (from January 6 (1)), and South Central (from January 7 (1)) zones

Eleven (11) SK residents tested out-of-province were added to the case counts in the North West (from January 9 (1)), Saskatoon (from January 9 (2)), Regina (from January 8 (2), January 9 (4), January 10 (1)), and South Central (from January 9 (1)) zones

One (1) case was removed from the case counts in the South East zone from January 8, 2022

-95,174 cases are confirmed

    -23,802 cases are from the Saskatoon area

    -21,087 cases are from the North area (9,298 North West, 8,719 North Central, 3,070 North East)

    -19,548 cases are from the Regina area

   -12,317 cases are from the South area (2,538 South West, 3,634 South Central, 6,145 South East)

    -9,630 cases are from the Far North area (4,550 Far North West, 543 Far North Central, 4,537 Far North East)

    -7,382 cases are from the Central area (1,701 Central West, 5,681 Central East)

   -1,408 cases have pending residence information

   – 8,706 cases are considered active and 85,507 cases are considered recovered

    Almost one-half (43.3%) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39

As of January 11, a total of 121 individuals are hospitalized, including 112 inpatient hospitalizations and 9 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 121 patients, 57 (47.1%) were not fully vaccinated

The SHA dashboard includes 121 hospitalizations: 112 residents are inpatient: of those, 57 inpatient hospitalizations are a COVID-19-related illness, 45 are incidental, asymptomatic infections and 10 have not yet been determined. 9 residents are in ICUs: of those, 7 are for COVID-19-related illnesses, 2 is incidental, asymptomatic infections

No (0) new death reported today. 961 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died, with a case fatality rate of 1.0.

1,367,110 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of January 9, 2022, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 1,148,801 tests performed per million population. The national rate was 1,419,485 tests performed per million population.

As of today, the 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 1,057 (87.8 new cases per 100,000).

Since January 1, the New Cases by Vaccination Status table has shown a significant number of new cases as unvaccinated. This data is not accurate. This table is no longer featured on the dashboard until a review of the information is complete and the data rectified.
