SPSA Launches new app to support evacuees in Candle Lake,Creighton and Buffalo Narrows.

Herald file photo. A digital road sign on Highway 155 beside the Beauval Airport warning drivers of the forest fire that lies ahead.

The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) has announced a new web application to enhance support for communities and residents facing evacuation.

The Evacuation App was created to provide the citizens of Saskatchewan with a simple way of providing their community the information required if an event occurred within their area where an evacuation was necessary.

Information is shared with community leadership and used to ensure resources are available during an emergency.

The Saskatchewan Evacuation App (Sask Evac App) helps residents who have left their home stay connected to their communities and provide their leadership with essential information. Sask Evac App also helps leadership and decision makers ensure that resources are available during an emergency.

At the request of a community, the SPSA can provide provincial resources to support the evacuation of residents when a real and imminent threat exists to ensure the safety of their citizens. “Evacuations are extremely disruptive to communities and families,” SPSA President and Fire
Commissioner Marlo Pritchard said. “Our goal is to support people within home communities whenever possible, but in the event of an evacuation, the Sask Evac App will help ensure people receive the timely support they need.”

The Saskatchewan Evacuation App is a tool developed to provide residents with a means of providing their community with necessary information required where an evacuation is necessary. Residents are encouraged to pre-register themselves and their families.
Saskatchewan residents’ information collected through the application is shared with the home community’s leadership and is also used to ensure resources are available during an emergency.

The Sask Evac App collects basic contact information at no cost to the community or resident so appropriate support before, during and after the evacuation can be provided. The new web app is now live and has already been rolled out in communities such as Creighton, Buffalo Narrows and the resort village of Candle Lake.

Should a person or family need to evacuate their home community, residents who pre-registered can return to the Sask Evac App and verify their information.

“When an individual or family has to flee their home, events unfold rapidly,” Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Minister Paul Merriman said. “The Sask Evac App is designed to enhance safety during an emergency and can also be used proactively. It ensures that valuable
time is not wasted in critical moments.”

Information gathered through Sask Evac App is securely hosted by the SPSA and shared with community leadership when necessary. Information is not disclosed to any third-party vendor.

To best prepare for an event,Saskatchewan residents are encouraged to pre-register
themselves and their families at https://app.saskecs.ca/. Registration takes less than five minutes.
