SGI reminds people to stay safe over the long weekend

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As Residents go about their their weekend activities, SGI has taken time out to remind everyone that safety should be made a priority during this long weekend.
SGI feels this reminder is necessary because in the summertime cases of impaired driving numbers tend to go up every year especially in the the months of June, July and August according to SGI spokesperson Jeremy Pilon.
“We have also seen studies in the past indicate that chances of being in a collision can up to double. So it is really important that before a long weekend to remind drivers to find a safe ride home whenever they are going to be impaired,” Pilon said. ” This applies to everybody in the city or out in the country, whenever you are getting behind the wheel for whatever reason, never get behind the wheel if you are impaired drugs or alcohol.”
Summary of the June Traffic Safety Spotlight results showed that Law Enforcement Officers reported 516 impaired driving offences, including 335 administrative suspensions and 181 Criminal Code charges.
Other results from June include 630 tickets for distracted driving , including 504 for cellphone use; 3, 646 Tickets for speeding or aggressive driving and 340 tickets for seatbelt and car seat related offences.
SGI also advised that the following safe ride options should be taken into consideration as summer essentials are packed: designate a sober driver in your group or volunteer to be one, call a cab or use a ridesharing service, take the bus or arrange for a friend or family member to pick up you up.
“Remember – when you’re heading to a new place, you may not be as familiar with the safe ride options available. And if you’re headed to a rural location, you won’t have the same choices as you do in the city,” Pilon said. “Before you start consuming any alcohol or drugs, take a few minutes to plan your safe ride.”

As residents go out to enjoy and have fun this summer and long weekend, safe ride should be a priority.
“SGI wants everyone to have fun this summer, not just this weekend but other weekends too, through the rest of the year, but the best way to ensure that you have a good time is just being safe, plan a safe ride so that you can have your fun and enjoy,” he added.
“Whether you’re hitting the beach or heading on a road trip, SGI is reminding you to add one more thing to your summer checklist: a safe ride,” Pilon said in a news release.
