Say yes to opportunity, change and challenge

Christina-Morillo-pexels: Some of the greatest in life happen when you say yes , writes David Fuller

David Fuller

Troy Media

In 1988, Louis approached me one day and asked if I would join him in building a business. I knew I was taking a chance, but I said yes.

By saying yes, I had to turn down an offer from Tom that would have made me three times the income over the short term. There were days when I was struggling and stressed and thought that perhaps things would have been different if I had said yes to Tom and no to Louis.

But in the long term, it worked out for the best. In fact, it has worked out wonderfully.

Some of the greatest things in life happen when we say yes. Think about the times when you’ve taken a chance on something or someone and it has changed your life for the better. The time when you said yes to an invitation, yes to a date, yes to an opportunity, yes to volunteering.

I know there have been many times when I’ve been scared and stood there wondering what I’ve just agreed to. Sometimes, saying yes has involved a lot of work, time, and commitment. But who said we would grow if there weren’t some challenges?

Recently, I was working with a business owner, James, who said yes to a challenge. James could have let his business continue on the road it was on, but he knew in his heart that it wasn’t satisfying. James understood that continuing to do what they had always done was going to lead to failure. Not only failure of the business, because the business model didn’t work anymore, but also failure to follow his dreams, which in essence is a spiritual failure.

How many of us continue to do what we’re doing even though we know it’s not working?

How many of us are doing the same old thing in business and getting the same results, even though we know we have the opportunity to say yes to something better?

What is that doing to you on a deep level?

Saying yes often takes work. Making change always does. It takes courage.

As James is about to discover as he moves his business in a different direction, there will be challenges. However, change is life for James – new life for his business and life-giving for himself.

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we get stale doing the same old things. When we say yes to opportunities that make sense, we become invigorated. And this invigoration spurs growth, and growth, when managed properly, is often profitable.

Is it time for you to say yes to change in your life or your business?

Saying yes isn’t just about making a decision; it’s about embracing the unknown. It’s about trusting that the discomfort of change will eventually give way to something greater. When we say yes, we open ourselves up to new experiences, new challenges, and new growth. It’s not always easy, and the road isn’t always smooth, but the rewards can be incredible.

Just as I found that the decision to work with Louis led to long-term success and fulfillment, so too can your yes lead you to unexpected and rewarding places. Whether it’s in your personal life or your business, saying yes could be the key to unlocking your next big opportunity.

So, what are you waiting for? The power of yes is in your hands.

David Fuller is a Commercial and Business Realtor with a strong reputation as an award-winning business coach and author. He has extensive experience helping businesses grow and succeed, providing guidance on various aspects of business management, strategy, and development. His work as a business coach and author has earned him recognition in the industry, making him a respected figure in both real estate and business coaching.
