Inquest into the death of Jordan Norfield postponed to 2024 [Updated]

Jordan Norfield died three days after he was transferred to the Victoria Hospital from police custody. -- Herald file photo

Editor’s Note: the Ministry of Justice provided an update saying the start date has been changed from 2024 to Oct. 30, 2023.

An inquest that was set to take place this week has been adjourned to next year.

Jordan Norfield, 30, died at Prince Albert’s Victoria Hospital on Dec. 5, 2020.  Paramedics transferred Norfield to hospital from police custody three days prior.

A news release from the province said the adjournment comes from the request of the family’s counsel.

Inquests are held when someone dies as an inmate at a correctional facility or jail, unless the coroner is satisfied that the person’s death was not preventable and was entirely due to natural causes.

Inquests are meant to prevent similar deaths by determining the circumstances in which someone died by calling forward witnesses. The coroner’s jury may make recommendations.
