Feds and province announced $47.7 million investment to fight wildfires over next 5 years

Herald file photo. A digital road sign on Highway 155 beside the Beauval Airport warning drivers of the forest fire that lies ahead.

Daily Herald Staff

The federal and provincial governments announced a join investment of more than $47.7 million over the next five years to combat wildfires in the province.
Federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson, with Saskatchewan Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Minister Paul Merriman issued a joint statement saying wildfires are increasing in frequency and severity across Canada, and that’s having a negative impact on the local residents, communities, and wildlife.
Saskatchewan is forecasted to experience above-average wildfire activity for the remainder of the 2024 wildfire season.
“The federal government is urgently working to respond to these fires by providing provinces and territories with the support needed to address the challenges posed by wildfires,” Wilkinson said in a press release.
A joint investment of $44.8 million through the FMWCC Equipment Fund will support Saskatchewan’s efforts to purchase wildland firefighting equipment such as handheld two-way radios, protection sprinklers and hoses, and flotation and protection pumps and pump kits. 
“Today’s announcement with the Government of Saskatchewan highlights our commitment to working together to mitigate and respond to wildfires through the Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program and the promotion of FireSmart Canada as a national program,” said Wilkinson.
Both Canada and Saskatchewan are providing $22.4 million each over five years. Merriman said the funding will further improve fire management efforts in Saskatchewan by procuring and upgrading specialized wildland firefighting equipment and by hiring and training personnel to better prepare for and respond to wildfires it will also enhance safety for communities and firefighters and improve the sharing of resources across Canada. 
“Through this partnership, we can enhance public safety and deliver a strong, coordinated response to wildfires across the province.” said Merriman.
According to the press release, funding is already flowing, and the province has purchased the equipment. It is already helping fire fighters in battling wildfires this season.”
The remaining $2.9 million in funding comes through the Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) FMWCC-training fund. That fund provides support to Indigenous communities and organizations to train firefighters and to increase NRCan’s understanding of the needs and barriers in this space. 
The funds build on last year’s $524,780 funding contribution to the Prince Albert Grand Council Indigenous Wildfire Stewards Pilot Program.
A joint investment of over $2.9 million, made through the RCF Program, aims to improve wildfire prevention and mitigation efforts and expand the adoption of FireSmart in Saskatchewan. 
“The Government of Saskatchewan welcomes the federal government’s commitment to collaborate in maintaining our wildland firefighting equipment and reinforcing the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency,” said Merriman.
Both Canada and Saskatchewan are providing more than $1.4 million through the program. With this funding, Saskatchewan will establish whole-of-society governance to increase community wildfire prevention and mitigation initiatives.
Wilkinson added that the Government of Canada is working with communities and organizations affected by wildfires to better understand the unique role the federal government plays in serving these communities; to offer nationally recognized equipment to support all firefighters to be better equipped to respond to wildland fires; and to support a more sustainable approach to training, employment and all-hazards management in Indigenous communities and beyond. 
