Upstage Productions is looking to add a bit of fun to a haunting experience.
The St. Mary High School drama group brings the 1940s to life in “Blithe Spirit,” a dark comedy about a novelist haunted by the ghost of his deceased first wife.
The story gave students a chance to dive into the past and revive the sights, sounds, costumes and music that characterized the era. It was an opportunity they eagerly embraced.
“I love the 1940s,” said cast member and Grade 12 student Jacelyn Perret. “I love the style, and of course the music, so it was really exciting for me.”
“It’s definitely always interesting to play a character that lived in a different time period, because it allows you to learn more about it, and that’s always an interesting experience,” added fellow cast member Mallory Norfield.
Norfield, Perret and co-stars Daniel Everitt, Tessa Hrynuik, Nicolas Tytula, Julianne Langlois and Aimee Grenier, bring “Blithe Spirit” to life starting on Nov. 29.
They hope attendees will enjoy their take on the hit comedy, which set records for longest running non-musical British play when it debuted in 1941.
“I really hope that most people actually get a really good laugh out of it, because personally I find it really funny in some parts,” said stage manager Alyx Roske. “It’s hilarious. I really hope that (attendees) walk away and realize that … we are really good at what we do.”
For the rest of this story, please see the Nov. 29 online or print edition of the Daily Herald