Tisdale RCMP handing out Christmas cards for the holidays

Courtesy of Tisdale RCMP. More than 900 Christmas cards will be handed out.

Nicole Goldsworthy
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

TISDALE – Tisdale RCMP will be handing out personalized Christmas cards from children from Tisdale, Bjorkdale, Kinistin schools and Tiny Tornadoes children during the holidays.

The Tisdale RCMP will be delivering safe driving messages to drivers. The drive safe messages are drawn by elementary school aged children. The kids had the freedom of drawing their version of what they thought being safe on the road meant to them.

The idea for this came from Cpl. Stephanie Leduc, who is a facilitator at Depot in Regina, the RCMP training academy. Cpl. Leduc had done this in the Northwest Territories where she worked before being posted at Depot. Cst. Liang said it was a great opportunity to get the kids in the community involved in something fun.

The Tisdale RCMP will be handing these postcards out with candy canes, donated by Beeland Co-Op to cars they stop. The Tisdale RCMP wants to remind drivers they will be stopping more cars than usual over the holidays to spread the kids’ messages. We have approximately 900 cards made and about 500 candy canes donated so some cars might be getting 2 excellent drawings from the local kids.

The Cram the Cruiser was held on Thursday, Dec. 13 from 12 to 6pm at the Beeland Coop. Tisdale RCMP were able to accept non-perishables and monetary donations that afternoon and into the evening. Cst. Liang’s message: Don’t drink and drive. And if you have to use a cellphone, pull over.
