Take steps to maintain positive life changes

Ruth Griffiths

It takes at least a month to change a habit. Maybe six weeks for some, maybe less for others. But 30 days is a good number to get you started.  Now is the time to take steps to maintain your New Year’s resolution.

You have identified a single habit that you wish to change. You identified what triggers that habit. You have selected substitute behaviours. You have made a plan that helps you detour all potential roadblocks.

Now you need to take the challenge and practice your new habit every day for 30 days. Keep a journal of your progress. Better yet, share your journal with others who support your goal.

Who will you turn to when you have a strong urge? Write these people into your plan. A good support group is powerful; it is greater than the sum of its parts.

Take steps to maintain the positive habits you have achieved:

1. Ask for help. Get your family, friends and co-workers to support you. Ask them for their help, and let them know how important this is.

Groups like AA and Al-Anon work because they are composed of people just like you who are making their lives healthier, one day at a time.

2. Become aware of self-talk. Negative thoughts can derail your habit change. Don’t listen when you say to yourself: “I can’t do this. This is too difficult. I’m not strong enough. I suck.” Sing a new song: “I can do this! I am worth this.”

3. Be your own cheerleader. Give yourself a pep talk. Draw a picture of your goal and post it on your refrigerator. Write encouraging messages to yourself and post them on your bathroom mirror.

4. Prepare for people who are negative, who try to get you to do your old habit. Be ready for them. If they can’t support you then you don’t want to be around them.

5. Giver yourself regular rewards. Be proud of your progress.

If you fail (and we all do at some point) figure out what went wrong and try again. Learn from your failures and let them make you stronger.

Drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep. Changing a habit is hard work. But you are worth it.
