Supply chain challenges cause changes to Sask Rivers PMR plan

The Sask Rivers Education Centre/ Daily Herald File Photo

Supply chain issues have created challenges for maintenance in the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division.

At their regular meeting on Monday, the board of education approved their three year Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) plan and budget. There was also discussion around challenges related to supply chain for projects such as boiler replacement.

The three years approved in the plan cover from 2023 to 2026. There were also some amendments to the current year’s plan passed by the board. Superintendent of facilities Mike Hurd made the presentation.

“Initially it looked like it was going to be a manageable thing,” education director Robert Bratvold said. “But the last, I would say, month or two it has been obvious that those large projects, like boilers, and significant renovations are being delayed and price are increasing because of inflationary things and supply chain issues.”

When asked about price changes by board chair Barry Hollick, Hurd said that everything has gone up.

“The biggest thing is supply chain,” he explained. “We didn’t plan any boiler replacements for this year because it would take at least 12 months to get the boilers here and on site. If we were to tender in the fall and award a tender there might not be a guarantee that the contractor would even be able to get the boilers for us within the price that they tendered.”

“We are sort of getting to the point where we have to plan for those larger mechanical projects a year in advance,” Hurd added.

Previously the school division was able to tender for those projects in the fall, with installation schedule for the spring, and completion by fall.

The maintenance funding from the PMR plan can be moved around to other projects when original ones are not completed. Money carries over if it is not used in a PMR year.

Bratvold said Hurd and his staff are good at musing asset management software to predict when maintenance issues might arise. The supply line issues and increased costs mean they’ll have to issue tenders 12 to 14 months in advance instead of the usual six to eight.

The board passed amendments to the 2021-2022 PMR, projects, including replacing the library roof at WP Sandin School in Shellbrook, and phase two of washroom modernization at Carlton Comprehensive High School.

That project involves completely renovating the washrooms in the older parts of Carlton. Phase one began last year.

According to Hurd, they completed eight in phase one. Phase two is well underway.

Other projects included developing a division master plan, repairs to maple floor in the gymnasium at WP Sandin and re-shaping and paving the lot of the Bus Maintenance Facility.

Looking ahead, the 2023-2024 list includes replacement of boilers at Riverside Public School, replacement of windows at St. Louis Public School and replacement of roofs on the two gyms at Carlton.

Projects for 2024-2025 include replacement of boilers at Birch Hills Public School and replacement of hardwood gymnasium floors at PACI.

Among the projects slated for 2025-2026 is replacement of boilers at Big River Public School.

The deadline for submitting Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) plans is May 31.
