Over the summer the Prince Albert Catholic School Division hosted Summer Literacy Camps for the 15th consecutive year after receiving funding from the province.
Superintendent Wade Mourot updated the board on the success of the camps at the board’s regular meeting on Sept. 9.
Director of education Lorel Trumier said that the camps are welcomed in the division.
“We just really are looking at that and going what a great opportunity for our students that are attending the camp. Our children are getting free books. They’re getting some activities that are related to reading and writing, and they’re doing it through play and experiences through the literacy camp,” Trumier said.
The camps saw great participation at the two schools who hosted, St. Catherine and St. Michael Community School. According to the report 211 students age six to eight and 140 aged nine to 11 participated at St. Catherine in the first week. In the second week those numbers were 151 and 83, respectively. At St. Michael during the third week those numbers were 71 and 11, respectively.
“We’ve got some talented teachers that have been doing this and thankfully they’re continuing to want to support the literacy camp,” Trumier said. “We also have some support staff that support it, so again these people have been very engaged in developing it and I think it’s just getting stronger.”
The funding from the province allowed the division to hire two teachers and one support staff member for each class.