Sask Rivers board passes Advocacy and Development Plans

Herald file photo. The Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division Education Centre.

With a new board in place the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division board of education passed a new Board Advocacy and Board Development Plan at their regular meeting on Monday.

Board vice chair Alan Nunn presented the two plans at the meeting. These plans are designed to address the unique needs of school communities while aligning this work with the Board Strategic Plan 2024-2030.

The Development Plan focuses on key priorities from the Strategic Plan, and allows for the Board to focus on one or two priorities a year in their learning and development.

“I think that they’re quite excited about looking at what the term of the board (is, and) what are those things that we are going to try to accomplish both on the learning side and on the advocacy side,” director of education Neil Finch said.

The Board Development Plan will focus on Learning and Innovation in 2024-2025 and 2027-2028. It will also focus on student, staff, and board member Mental Health and Wellbeing in the 2025-2026 school year. There are focuses set aside for learning for each year of the Strategic Plan to 2030.

“I think they’ve done a really good job of having a four year plan and trying to stay focused within our Strat plan and advocacy for the board,” he explained.

In a press release, the board said the plan demonstrates their commitment to collaboration.

The areas of focus in the advocacy plan are vulnerable students and support for learning, facilities renewal, School Community Council relations and communications, Ministry and elected officials’ relations and the Strategic Plan and Provincial Education Plan.

“Then in the board development plan, that’s all about learning. We’re going to do lots of learning around what our strategic plan is all about and making sure the board is informed with things that we’re doing in Sask Rivers School Division,” Finch explained.

Finch said that an advocacy and Development plan is a great thing for any board to have.

“I know there’s always conversation around what’s the best way to develop as a board, and so this board has decided they’re going to develop together as a team and make sure they’re informed around the five areas of the strategic plan and things that are going on within the system.” Finch explained.

As part of the Advocacy Plan, the Board will host a Community Engagement event on February 3rd, bringing together SCC chairs, school leaders, and SRSC members to discuss shared goals and priorities.
