Sask. Rivers board approves three year maintenance plan

The Sask Rivers Education Centre/ Daily Herald File Photo

The Saskatchewan Rivers School Division knows what the future holds for some maintenance and upkeep in the division. At their regular meeting on Monday the board of education

approved their three year Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) plan and budget.

The three years approved in the plan cover from 2022 to 2025. There were also some amendments to the current year’s plan passed by the board. The presentation to the board was by superintendent of facilities Mike Hurd.

“That is some good planning in terms of preventative maintenance. One of the things that is really nice about that and we emphasize it because we have been doing it for years, this is a good way for the Ministry (of Education) to fund these things and it’s got a great team under Mike’s leadership that makes sure we have got really effective maintenance plans,” director of education Robert Bratvold said.

There were a number of questions around the aging buildings in the division by trustees after his presentation.

“We have aging buildings and that is part of the challenge. Mike’s team has done a great job of keeping them current and up to date that they don’t qualify for major capital funding but they take significant dollars investment to maintain them,” Bratvold explained.

He gave the example of windows, roofs and floors as items requiring investment.

“They are well maintained but they still take some investment to keep them that way,” he added.

The board also passed amendments to the 2020-2021 PMR, projects included sanding and refinishing the gym floors at both Riverside and St. Louis School, replacement of windows at Wild Rose Public School, two projects at Carlton including a washroom upgrade and replacement of condensate receiver and pump ad remediating mould in tunnels at Kinistino School.

Projects approved for 2021-2022 include upgrading to high efficiency boilers at Big River Public High School and a replacement of aluminum sliders with commercial grade double glaze windows at Prince Albert Collegiate Institute (PACI).

Looking ahead, projects approved in 2022-2023 include window replacement at St. Louis School, a roofing replacement project at Carlton Comprehensive Collegiate and a gym floor replacement at PACI.

The 2023-2024 list includes a replacement of windows at St. Louis Public School, replacement of existing hardwood floor in the gym at PACI, replacement of roofs on the two gyms at Carlton and replacements of windows at King George Public School.

The deadline for submitting Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) plans is May 31, because of the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 deadline was set at June 30.
