Salvation Army receives additional boost from ‘Fill the Kettle Day’

Michael Oleksyn/Daily Herald Prince Albert citizens were eager to donate to the Salvation Army on “Fill the Kettle Day’ at the Cornerstone Shopping District on Saturday.

Representatives from the Salvation Army in Prince Albert were out at a very busy Walmart at Cornerstone on the last Saturday before Christmas for the 15th Fill the Kettle Day.

Walmart Canada will match up to $100,000 in contributions made on Kettle Day. Major Ed Dean of the Salvation Army Prince Albert said the campaign is national in scope, but proceeds would come back to Prince Albert.

“It is wonderful to have strong partners,” Dean said. “Walmart has been a partner of ours for many, many years, and so a campaign like this is very important.”

Dean said they still have to calculate the final numbers, but the overall totals for this year’s Kettle Campaign are looking positive.

“It’s been a busy time,” Dean said. “It’s looking not bad. It will look a whole lot better once the mail starts flowing and those contributions start coming in.”

Dean said the Salvation Army has been able to occupy most Kettle shifts this Christmas, but they are always looking for assistance.

Michael Oleksyn/Daily Herald (L to R) Kettle Coordinator Dhrumil Panda and Major Ed Dean worked the kettle for the Salvation Army on “Fill the Kettle Day’ on Saturday at Walmart in the Cornerstone Shopping District.

“Today we had 25 out of 30 spots filled. We still have a few spots for Monday and Tuesday if somebody wants to come out and ring the bells for an hour two hours. They can sing, they can dance, they can bring their favorite monkey with them or even a clown.”

Overall the Christmas season has been positive for the Salvation Army in all of their areas, Dean said, including toy donations.

The Salvation Army helped more than 200 low income and vulnerable families with their toy program. Dean said it’s a credit to the Prince Albert Optimist Club, who spearheaded the toy drive through Santas Anonymous.

Most of all, Dean thanked the community for a successful Christmas campaign.

“There have been many partners along the way … and those contributions come back to us. We are grateful to the community as it’s a community that makes the campaign what it is.”

Dean said final fundraising totals for the whole Kettle Campaign will not be known until the New Year. He added that there is still time to contribute for those who want to.

“Thank you to all of those who have given,” he said. “You can now do your contribution online as well. Just call the office and we can process your visa through the office. If you would like. The number can be reached at 306-763-6078, thank you and Merry Christmas.”
