The RCMP have arrested four youths (three males and one female) who are facing multiple charges ranging from unauthorized possession of fireams, unsafe storage of firearms, possession of restricted firearms and breaking and entry to court in La Ronge on Aug 22.
On Aug. 19 at approximately 6:20 a.m., La Ronge RCMP received a report of a break and enter at a residence in the La Ronge area. Further investigation determined four rifles, three hand guns, a knife, ammunition, a TV, a computer, a bike, a cell phone, and multiple smaller items were stolen from the residence.
As a result of investigation, officers attended a residence in the La Ronge area and arrested three male youths without incident. At the residence, officers recovered some of the stolen firearms. Officers later located and recovered additional stolen firearms hidden in a bushed area nearby the residence. One of the guns had a spent round in the chamber.
Officers then attended a second residence in the La Ronge area and arrested a male youth and female youth without incident. The remaining stolen guns were recovered from the residence.
One of the male youths was later released without charge.