Uko Akpanuko
Daily Herald
Train enthusiasts will have a chance to view some of the models in action when the Prince Albert Model Railroaders host their annual show on Jan. 18-19. “It’s a great family event that we have for the public,” Brian Randall, President of the Prince Albert Model Railroaders River Crossing North said. “We like to showcase our hobby. We like to have other people come and see what we do.
“We have clubs from around the province, they come up for our shows and we do their shows in other cities too. Basically, it’s just to promote our hobby.” The show has a fee of $10 for adults and $5 for students while the preschool is free.
Randall said he loves the creative aspect of the hobby. “Basically what we are doing is building our own world,” he said. “You are showing what’s out there, part of history and things like that. Guys will do certain areas of the country … and it just brings back a lot of memories for people that travel by train.” This year’s show will have a few different layouts from clubs around the province, plus a few other hobbies on display. The show will feature a scroll saw operator in attendance to entertain attendees, as will members of the Prince Albert Modelers club.
Randall said this will be the 13th year they’ve hosted the show. The club holds it every year, although they couldn’t hold it for two years during COVID. Randall said the show has always been popular with families.
“It’s after Christmas. Kids are tired of the toys and that. It’s a family event that’s reasonably priced, and a good excuse to get outside,” he said. “I just hope everybody comes out to the show while it’s here. There’s lots to see and lots to do.” The annual Prince Albert Model Train show will be held on Jan. 18th and 19th in Prince Albert. The Saturday event will start at 10 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. On Sunday, it will start at noon and end by 5 p.m. at the Gateway Mall (Old Staples location).