Prince Albert council declines request to waive fee for not keeping property clean

Herald file photo. Prince Albert City Hall.

Prince Albert city council refused a landlords request to waive a payment for not keeping his property clean during their executive committee meeting on Monday.

Prince Albert property owner Dale Blenner-Hassett came before council on Monday to ask for an exception on the payment of $420.00 for not cleaning up his property within the stipulated time frame given by the City of Prince Albert’s Parks and Recreation Department. 

“I actually didn’t lay my hands on this letter until Saturday, Aug. 24 after the deadline of seven days which expired on Aug. 22,” Blenner-Hassett said.  

The Act or Regulation at issue is Section 7(a) of The Weed Control Act/ Regulations of December 1, 2010 in this case concerning Dandelion and Canada Thistle.

The quote from the August 15, 2024 letter from the City (Weed Control Notice) reads that the property owner must destroy the designated weeds within seven days of posting the letter.

Blenner-Hasset said the penalty should be waived because City staff did not properly notify him in time. He said the combination of this regulation concerning the seven days notice and the operation and inflexibility of the City Staff is unfair to Prince Albert taxpayers.

He described the letter as a “sham” and said the regulation is out of date, ill thought out and should be revised, “so as not to continue to force improper invoices and costs on Prince Albert taxpayers.”

“I am a good citizen and pay my property taxes,” Blenner-Hassett said. “I’m okay with the warning or even a scolding, but once you want to take my money on an expiry date will not be fair to me.”

Coun. Lennox-Zepp raised a motion for a waiver of the $420 bill to be paid by the landlord for his refusal in keeping his property clean, but almost all other councillor disagreed with this motion citing difference instances in which neighbours have complained about the property owner’s inability to keep the property clean.

Coun. Blake Edwards said he would not vote for the waiver because residents should be keeping their properties clean without constant notices and objections from the City.

“It is not the duty of the council to remind residence of their duty of cleaning their property before it is done,” Edwards said.

The motion raised by Lennox-Zepp for a waiver was defeated 7-1.

The property in question is located at 1545 McIntosh Drive.
