Election Day is Wednesday, Nov. 13 in Prince Albert, and with that in mind, the Prince Albert Daily Herald submitted eight questions to the two Ward 5 candidates. Their answers are given below. Candidates are listed alphabetically.
*there is no incumbent in Ward 4 after Coun. Dennis Ogrodnick declined to seek another term in office
Shaun Harris

Hi, my name is Shaun Harris and I own and operate a trucking and logging business based here in Prince Albert with my sons Zach and Riley and fiancé Melissa. I also farm, and we are currently expanding and developing our gravel and aggregate business, which operates here in Prince Albert and also north east of Lloydminster.
Why are you the best candidate?
Over the last few decades I have managed numerous large scale projects all over western Canada in various sectors, and I feel my diverse background in several different industries would be very beneficial to bring to city council. It is that experience, coupled with my strong voice and ability to have the tough conversations needed to make our ward and our city a better, safer place is what I feel makes me an ideal candidate for council representing Ward 5.
If elected, what will your top priority be?
If elected, my top priorities will be economic growth, slowing the migration of businesses to outlying RM’s because of tax incentives, broadening our tax base to lessen the burden for everyone, and coming up with ideas to streamline construction permit and building permit approvals. We also need to review and over haul some of our bylaws that cause financial strain and unneeded headaches for business owners and property owners in general.
Crime and public safety
We need to get tough on crime in this city, and take the concerns of our residents seriously on this issue. We are tired of seeing drugs and alcohol on every street corner and front doors of our businesses, and we are even more tired of the never ending thefts and vandalism in this city. We need to ensure our police service is properly funded to do their job, and on the flip side ensure the police service is adhering to the will of the board of police commissioners and to what the citizens of this city want to see happen. We also need to be strong voices for change in our justice system, and advocate for changing of the constant revolving door catch and release policies we have now. But in saying that, we also need to be heard by provincial and federal counterparts on the need for more mental health and addictions beds for our region so people can access the programs they need to better their situations.
Mental health and addictions
In regards to our homeless shelter debate we need to come up with a solution for a location that fits the needs of the shelter users, but also the needs of the neighbourhoods housing them. We also need to hold these agencies accountable and be able to ask the hard questions when finding solutions to this issue, and not just rely on the same skewed narratives that the general public have been told time and time again.
Economic growth and cost of living
Cost of living is always top of mind for many of us. And there are many small things we as a city can do to help alleviate some of those issues, something as simple as keeping costs down for public transport. As a commercial trucking company owner, I am well versed on the issue of trying to keep transportation costs low, and my background will no doubt help spur plans to keep our costs as low as possible and bring forth a level off accountability with city transportation that I don’t think we currently have.
Final words
My plan is simple. Broaden the tax base, bring forth initiatives that spur economic growth, which create jobs and opportunities. Ensure fiscal responsibility and try to ease our overwhelming tax burdens on business. My background in forestry will no doubt prove vital in the continued push for the expansion of our forest sector for our region, which brings with it good paying long term careers, with countless spin off benefits for our city. With the broadening of our economy and the revenue that it will generate for our city, we will have more resources to ensure the safety of all of our residents, and to make sure everyone has access to the programs our city needs to stay vibrant and beautiful. I humbly ask for your support on November 13th to become councillor for Ward 5, and a strong voice for all of Prince Albert. Thank you.
Stephen Ring

I was born and raised in Prince Albert and have resided in Ward 5 for over 50 years, my family and I have very deep ties to the community and ward 5 and in Prince Albert. My wish is for the city to continue moving forward and continue to grow and prosper for years to come.
I want to support that growth and be a part of solutions to ensure the City of Prince Albert continues to be a great community to live in and raise a family – one that I am proud to call my home – my reason for running.
Why are you the best candidate?
For the past 35 years I have been the co-owner and operator of Ring Appraisals Ltd, a real estate appraisal and consulting firm. My strengths are rooted in my 35 years as a Professional Appraiser. Experience with property development, taxation, assessments and economic development will be a platform on which I will draw from when making decisions. Business background, commitment to community through volunteerism and knowing issues facing Ward 5 and the city give me what I need to serve as a city councilor.
If elected, what will your top priority be?
If elected I will work with fellow electees to make the best decisions for the citizens of my ward and the city. As a candidate, I do not have a platform or a personal agenda. My intention is to vigorously carry out the role and duties of a city councilor in a professional and thorough manner with a commonsense approach.
My voice will speak loud and clear when advocating for this city and I will make the decisions I feel are best for the citizens of my ward and the city of Prince Albert. With core principles of honesty and integrity my commitment is to you, the taxpayer.
Crime and Public Safety
Our marginalized citizens are a high priority for me. There is a need and I will be working with the organizations within and outside of our city to serve these citizens. Tough decisions will have to be made, as a Councilor I will have to vote on what I feel is best for the city.
Mental health and addictions
As a council, we have limitations as to what we can control in terms of policing, enforcement, criminal convictions etc, all items outside the scope of city council. I will advocate for change and improvements at every opportunity. If you have watched council issues and budget deliberations in the past, the police budget comes to council for approval but that is where it stops. The Police Commission governs the police service. Again I will do everything within my purview to increase safety for the citizens of this city.
Economic growth and cost of living
The City of Prince Albert is experiencing unprecedented economic growth with record construction over the past 2 years and years to come. Many of the recent developments are job creation not only for the construction stage but employment opportunities for years to come.
Further development is on the horizon, we as a council must support growth moving forward while maintaining financial integrity of the city in doing so. Economic growth will help the bottom line for all citizens. I will approach economic development with a “how can we make this work” attitude, instead of discouraging with red tape.
Final Words
With the cost of living going up, families are having to stretch income to care for their loved ones, with less disposable income.Council must continue to do everything to ensure affordable access to all city facilities, services and programs to help families access what our city facilities have to offer our citizens.
Fiscal responsibility is front and foremost to try and keep property taxes at a reasonable level yet still provide and maintain top tier essential services to all residents. Supporting and encouraging economic development will support citizens and upcoming budgets.