PA Votes: Ward 1 candidates in their own words

Ward 1 candidates Daniel Brown (left) and Larry Vandale (right). -- Submitted photos.

Election Day is Wednesday, Nov. 13 in Prince Albert, and with that in mind, the Prince Albert Daily Herald submitted eight questions to the two Ward 1 candidates. Their answers are given below. Candidates are listed alphabetically.

*there is no incumbent in Ward 1 after Coun. Charlene Miller declined to seek another term in office

Daniel Brown

Ward 1 Candidate Daniel Brown. — Submitted photo.


I’m Danny Brown and this will be my 3rd consecutive run for the Ward 1 councillor position. I was raised to never give up on something you believe in, and I believe I can make positive changes in the west flat and the city.

I’ve been a resident of the city for all of my 48 years with most of it living in Ward 1. The Brown family has deep roots in the community and have always been active volunteering and working towards the greater good and making lifetime friends in the process. I will continue my family’s passion for helping out where ever is needed, and instill the same values in my children as were instill in me and my siblings.   

I decided to run for this position back in 2016 because I was tired of how unsafe life has become and how much the city has changed for the worse in regards too safety, from the fun and safe times I grew up in. After a good talk with my mom, she told me “do something about it then and make a difference”, and I’ve been trying to get in a position to make that change since that day. It was a hard battle, campaigning against Charlene Miller but the amount of support and votes I gained gave me the motivation and encouragement to keep putting my name forward and I’m sure my persistence and resolve will come through this year with the same continued supportive residents as well as new ones.

Why are you the best candidate?

With all due respect to Mr. Vandale, I believe I will be able to make a bigger contribution and positive change in Ward 1. I have the ideas, energy, time, and commitment attain the goals that the community and I will set. I believe my experience as a local president provided me the  knowledge needed to work on city council with regards to budgets, agendas, policies, meeting procedures but most importantly keeping up to the expectations of your members.

If elected, what will your top priority be?

If elected my top priority will be to talk to every resident, in one way or another, to discuss and prioritize our issues and have a clear and transparent way towards a positive resolution. At the end of the day my job will be to fight for what the residents of Ward 1 want and not my personal opinions or agendas. I’ve learned that one person will never be able to make all of those he is accountable to happy but if you do your best and continue to fight for them, you will still earn their respect. I plan to do that for the residents of ward 1.

Crime and public safety / Mental health and addictions

I believe crime, public safety, mental health, addictions, and homelessness are all interconnected. First step is to look at what has been done so far as these issues did not just come up. The new council is going to have to see what steps have been taken, what has worked and what hasn’t. These problems are not only a city problem, but it is also world wide problems and is going to take help from all forms of government and partnering agencies. The city’s priority should be to the law abiding, tax paying, and contributing residents. In saying that I think about the old saying about giving a man a fish or giving him the knowledge and tools to catch his own fish, applies to these problems. With funding from federal and provincial government and support from partners such as the FSIN and nonprofit agencies, we can provide treatment options for addictions, mental health, and homelessness issues that people have. By providing shelter and food we are not giving any incentive to change or break their cycle.   In regard to crime and safety we need to push for harsher penalties and longer sentences for habitual offenders and work on a way to ban those offenders from the city limits much like other communities enforce. Police need to be tougher on those who are blatantly doing drugs wherever they want, and with no regard to public safety or opinion. If we continue to turn a blind eye and enable those that choose that lifestyle to continue doing it in our city.

Economic growth

To keep economic growth of the city moving forward, we need to continue to develop our area and attract new businesses. Let’s make someone accountable to move forward on the mill or reconcile the land there. And just as important find a way to get another bridge already, we have been waiting 20 years for one.

Cost of living

Cost of living is an issue that infuriates me. I believe we are taxed too death, and we need to fight back. Starting with the city budget and expenditures which need to be gone through in-depth and see where exactly cuts can be made without negative impacts. With property tax I would like to find a formula to give seniors and long-term homeowners a reduced rate. For example, your 75 years old and owned your home for 30 years let’s say that equals a 30% discount on your taxes. I know that’s not a perfect example, but it is a starting point. The other aspect is carbon tax, if the provincial government can say no to paying it why can’t the city?

Final words

If elected I promise to represent the ward with openness and transparency, the ward will have a hands person working for the betterment of everyone. After 25 years of service in the penitentiary system I am looking forward to moving on working for the residents of Prince Albert and make positive contributions to society.

Some of my plans moving forward and with consultation with residence will be a plan to have safe clean sidewalks and streets in the winter. Having our streets only plowed twice a year is not acceptable. I think we would better off having the sidewalks on 15th street and around our school is better then having the rotary trail cleared, or maybe alternate cleaning after each heavy snow fall. Find a way to make better use of city owned empty lots, possibilities are community gardens or mini playgrounds of course with consultation with the homeowners around those properties. Community clean up week should be a spring and fall event to assist with keeping our ward clean. Not everyone has the means to haul excess to the dump outside the city.

In regard to the problem rental houses in our ward that seem to have consistently bad renters need to be addressed and find a way to hold the homeowner more accountable to the neighbours. The state of the back alleyways are terrible however I have a contact that will more then likely be able to help get them cleaned up free of charge to residents and the city, on going maintenance will then need our help. I encourage everyone to get out and vote good luck to all the candidates and after the elections “lets get er done.”

Larry Vandale

Ward – Candidate Larry Vandale — Submitted photo.


Hello everyone my name is Larry Vandale I have lived in Ward1 all my life. My wife and I have raised our 3 children here. The reason I chose to run is to try to make difference in how our area is delt with at council meetings and get involved in decisions effecting our Ward. 

Why are you the best candidate?

What makes me the best candidate for WARD 1 is my experience.  Having been employed by the City of Prince Albert, retiring after 30 years knowing how to have the concerns of the residents addressed quickly. I will always be available to work towards better communication through a ward community page, newsletter to give everyone a chance to post concerns and give direction on matters concerning Ward 1 and City issues.

If elected, what will your top priority be?

Top priority I believe we have to work on creating a more attractive neighborhood.  Have less boarded up houses create incentives to Landlords to maintain their properties As penalties are not working we have to look at incentives. We have many cleared lots that prove that. The City must provide incentives to build new homes on those lots. To have a way for qualifying more low-income residents to build.

Crime and public safety

Reducing crime is part of having more long-term residents. People that know their neighbors look after their neighborhood. Having home cameras with a rebate to homeowners as an incentive to cover part of the cost. I believe until the Justice system deters the criminal we must do all we can to secure our neighborhood.

Mental Health and Addictions

To address the issues of mental health addictions homelessness we have to work collectively with all groups that are presently involved to provide all in one service. Providing shelter is a small part of a big problem. Services are already in place locating a permanent treatment center will create a safer more healing City.

Economic growth

Having lived in this City I have seen what our resources can do for this city. We must promote our location as our city at one time had many forestry, agriculture and mining operations. everything passes through our city would be nice to have some back.

Cost of living

As a City I believe we have to promote local. If we are going to improve our cost of living. Every purchase from out of our city has a cost to the products we have. As for the city that also applies lowest tender is not always the cheapest in the long term.

Final words

I have always been proud of this City. I believe we must teach our children to respect and appreciate what we have been given. Always remember where we came from and what we hope to achieved. I would be honoured to serve as Councilor for Ward 1. Thank You
