Jan. 1 is the first day of 2025 according to the Gregorian calenda used by people around the world but many people also use other calendar systems in addition to the Gregorian calendar. While governments and businesses generally follow the Gregorian calendar, many cultures celebrate the new year at various times throughout the year.
For example, the Julian calendar has been used by Orthodox Christians to celebrate holy days. New Year’s Day pm the Julian calendar is Jan 14, 2025 on the Gregorian calendar.
The new year according to the Lunar Calendar prevalent in East Asia (China, Vietnam, Korea, etc.) is Jan. 29 in 2025. The lunar calendar doesn’t match the Gregorian calendar exactly, so the date of the so-called Chinese New Year varies from year to year. For example, the Lunar New year will be Feb. 17 in 2026.
The Persian new year, Nowruz, will be celebratedn in Iran, Central Asia and the Middle East on March 20 this year.
The Ethiopian new year, Enkutatash, will be celebrated Sept. 11.
The Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, is celebrated over three days, Sept. 22-24, 2025.
The Hindu celebration of the new year, Diwali , will be on Oct. 21, 2025.
Muslim communities worldwide will celebrate the Islamic new year June 25-26, 2025.
In New Zealand the Maori new year, Matariki, is celebrated June 28, 2025.
In Thailand the new year, Songkran, will be celebrated April 13 to 15.
The timing and customs of New Year’s celebrations vary from culture to culture. However, around the world, the beginning of the new year is a time to start afresh and welcome good things to come. Happy New Year!