The City of Prince Albert is considering a new bylaw to impose a special tax to properties benefiting from services in the Business Improvement District.
The purpose of the tax will be to fund services provided by the Business Improvement District. Details of the new bylaw will be taken into consideration at the Prince Albert City Council meeting on March 28th.
“We have a choice as a city to implement taxes in different ways”, says Ward 2 Councilor Terra Lennox-Zepp. “We can tax based on the value of people’s properties. It isn’t perfect, but it does attempt to take into consideration a person’s proportionate ability of means to pay based on what their property is valued. The other option is we could tax at a flat rate, [which] causes hardship on people who have smaller values of property or barely making ends meet”.
The Prince Albert Downtown Business Improvement District (PADBID) is a non-profit corporation established in 2004. Their goal is to encourage development to the downtown area by promoting and undertaking projects that facilitate rejuvenation. Their board is made up of volunteer individuals that own properties and run businesses within the district. In 2016, City Council created PADBID as a statutory board of the city.
Those that wish to appear before City Council regarding the PADBID special tax can provide a submission to the City Clerk by 4:45pm on March 22nd. Requirements to appear can be found on the City of Prince Albert website or by calling the City Clerk’s office at 306-953-4305. Information regarding the matter may be directed to the Financial Services Department at 306-953-4320.