The RM of Prince Albert and the RM of Buckland finalized a change in the way the Prince Albert District Planning Commission cost sharing agreement operates. At their regular meeting on Thursday, May 14 the RM finalized an agreement which changes the cost structure.
The Prince Albert District Planning Commission is a trilateral agreement between the City of Prince Albert, the RM of Buckland and the RM of Prince Albert. The cost was originally split with the municipalities and the City each paying one third for Director of Planning and Development Jason Kaptein.
“There was a split cost share with the city and Buckland and so what the RM of Prince Albert and the RM of Buckland has done now is brought our district planner under our payroll. The RM of Buckland and the RM of Prince Albert split the costs associated with that planning officer so he now works for the RM of Prince Albert and the RM of Buckland, he also looks after and manages the Prince Albert and District Planning Commission,” Reeve Eric Schmalz explained.
Planning Services
The Planning Commission was formed in the mid-1950s to promote a regional approach to agriculture, commercial and residential development. The Planning Commission is an advisory body and provides planning expertise to the member councils.
“That was just to finalize the agreement for shared services so that means that we now have a signed contract with the RM of Buckland and Jason Kaptein to provide us services,” he explained.