Memoir plunges into bullying and eating disorders

Ali Fedrau, 29, is the author of Unbroken Millennial: A Memoir of Bullying, Eating Disorders and Pageants. (Ali Fedrau/Submitted)

Jayda Noyes, Daily Herald

In an effort to educate and advocate about society’s harsh realities, Prince Albert-born Ali Fedrau decided to fill pages upon pages with her experiences.

Dealing with bullying in her adolescence before battling an eating disorder for eight years, the thought of having her words available for the world to read was daunting.

“Trying to relay the emotion that I had experienced on a piece of paper in hopes of connecting with someone is just absolutely terrifying,” said Fedrau.

But on Oct. 3, Unbroken Millennial came to life after an eight-year road of writing, editing, designing and self-publishing through Amazon.

(Ali Fedrau/Submitted)

The first half of the book pulls readers into her life from grades nine to 12.

“It delves into everything from having my car trashed by my high school peers at a party to drugs, alcohol abuse,” explained Fedrau.

“With bullying, one of the messages that people keep saying that’s always out in the media is ‘Stand up for yourself.’ But so often it’s just not that easy, especially when the events are to the point that they were in my book,” she said.

The second half is about her struggle with an eating disorder, which she said she’s confident she’s overcome.

“To a certain extent it’s always something that will be in the background and something that I’m sure I’ll still continually struggle with from time to time,” she said, adding she may write a book solely on the topic in the future.

Fedrau graduated from Carlton Comprehensive High School before moving to Saskatoon in 2008.

Glimpses of her book paint her Facebook page and blog: “Crumpled notes were found under my bed filled with disdain and consequent underpinnings of suicidal thoughts. Empty vodka bottles riddled with diminished remnants of memories from nights prior in my adolescent years were hidden under clothes. Discoloration from punching my stomach to have it descend below my ribcage was the focus of my bedroom mirror,” reads Unbroken Millennial‘s introduction.

It’s available on Amazon both in paperback for $14.22 or as a Kindle ebook for $6.40.
