Low number of injuries so far this year according to Sask Rivers report

Herald file photo. The Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division Education Centre.

The number of workplace incidents causing injury in the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division declined during over the first eight months of the year according to a safety report provided at the school board’s regular meeting on Oct. 21.

Education Director Neil Finch gives a yearly report each year. The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) data was from Dec. 31, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2024. The report showed seven injuries in the division during that time. The data was for support staff who were injured at work and requiring medical attention.

“We’re excited about that piece,” Finch said. “The staff safety, when it comes to WCB, does not include teachers because they’re not a part of the WCB claims that we collect.”

“You can see that our EA’s would be the highest percent of injuries, but they also are the highest number of employees in that group.”

The numbers broke down with three EAs, tow caretakers, one bus driver and one other.

Finch said the numbers were trending well because there is still four months remaining in the year.

“We have four months to go, but even on the EA side, being at three injuries in the first eight months is a good starting point,” he said. “Obviously, we’d want to be at zero as an ideal, but it’s an improvement from where we’ve been at in the last couple of years.”

WCB data only includes injuries for non-teaching staff such as caretakers, maintenance personnel, library clerks, and educational assistants, among several others

The WCB calendar year is from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 and differs from the school calendar.

The division safety team consists of the Superintendent of Facilities, Human Resources Manager and Director of Education. Saskatchewan Rivers is one of the only school divisions that is COR Certified. In support of that certification, an external audit is completed every three years. These external audits are one of the many pieces that contribute to their safety program.

Finch said that the goal remains to improve with a target of zero injuries.

Schools receive Internet upgrades in Sask Rivers

Over the summer and into the fall the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division worked with SaskTel to upgrade the internet at three rural schools.

The Internet has been upgraded to 100M connections at Osborne School, Spruce Home School, West Central School and East Central School.

“There’s a common message that we hear is that rural communities have quite a slow speed when it comes to Internet connection,” Finch said. “To have those that are very rural have an increase in in their speeds is going to be appreciated by our students and our staff.”

Board receives salute from administration at final meeting

The meeting on Monday was the last meeting of the Board of Education for Saskatchewan Rivers in their current form.

During his Director’s report and several times throughout the meeting, Neil Finch expressed his gratitude to the 10 trustees of the School Board for their dedication to making the division a top choice for families and the community.

Finch thanked the board for the many initiatives that they delivered over the last four years.

“(Sask. Rivers) has got a lot of initiatives going on and the Board has supported us moving forward with those initiatives,” Finch said.

He listed achievements over the past four years including most recently upgrading the Harry Jerome Track and Max Clunie Field.

“It truly is a wow factor facility,” Finch said. “I’m not sure of many facilities like that around our province that sits within a school division property.”

He also noted supporting literacy by increasing staffing and resources, and implementing a strategic plan focused on reconciliation, mental health, and transparent governance.

The Board also formalized an Elders Council and hosted seasonal pipe ceremonies. Key initiatives include the renaming of Won Ska School to Victor Thunderchild Public High School, renewal of the SRPSD Education Centre’s flags to reflect inclusivity and fostering relationships with School Community Councils.

Additional accomplishments include approving Cree and Michif language programs, supporting Global Sports Academy, approving new pride logos, and finalizing an agreement with East Central First Nations Education Authority.

Senior administration also extended best wishes to trustees running in the upcoming election for their continued commitment to students and the community. School Board Elections are being held on Nov. 13. michael.oleksyn@paherald.sk.ca
