City celebrates Horn family at Legacy Brunch
As soon as his name was called, P.A.’s business community rose and gave a rousing standing ovation.
The business and community members had packed into every corner of the Travelodge ballroom Thursday to celebrate the life and legacy of Shelley and Ron Horn.
Ron and Shelley Horn, owners of Fresh Air Experience, are the recipients of the 2016 Prince Albert and District Chamber of Commerce Legacy Award.
“It’s very well-deserved,” said Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne. “This family has made P.A. a better place to live.”
The Mayor then turned his remarks to the business community in attendance.
“You are the backbone of our community,” he said. “You’re all winners, just by being here.”
The award was formally handed to the Horns at the brunch, which included speeches from several event sponsors and other members of the business community.
But the highlight of the afternoon was the speech given by Ron Horn himself.
“Wow. This is a very, very humbling and emotionally taxing event for me today,” he said, starting off his speech.
“We really do appreciate the honour that’s been bestowed upon our family today.”
Then, he launched into remarks about the sponsors, and the other businesses present, crediting them for their contributions to the community.
Contributing to the community is important to Horn.
Growing up, he was involved with 4H.
“I think that laid the foundation for a lot of the community involvement perpetuated throughout my days of my life,” he said.
For more on this story, please see the April 7 print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.