Members of the La Loche RCMP detachment remind ATV operators to keep safety first in a statement released April 15.
They are stressing safety while operating vehicles such as quads and side-by-sides.
“If you are riding an ATV on public land you have to abide by the All-Terrain Vehicles Act, but even on private land, it’s important to be safe,” quoted from the statement.
Some suggestions for safety include:
A helmet and protective eyewear should always be worn when driving or riding on an ATV.
“It’s the law in public areas and a good idea at any time,” and violators will face a $100 fine if caught, according to the statement.
Any passengers much also comply with the helmet and protective eyewear policy as well or face an $80 fine.
They recommend checking municipal bylaws in the area one is operating an ATV in, as “some municipalities prohibit operating ATVs on roads, ditches and medians.
“Never drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Operating an ATV while intoxicated could lead to Criminal Code charges and driving prohibition.”
The driver of an ATV must be 16 years or over holding a valid driver’s license to operate an ATV on public land. While youth between the ages of 12 and 15 “may operate an ATV on public land and go across roads, if they have passed an approved ATV training course, or if they are supervised by someone who has held a driver’s license continuously for the last 365 days. The supervising rider can be riding a different ATV or be on the same ATV as the youth.”
It is important, if riding alone, to have a ride plan. “Let someone know where you are and when you expect to be back.”
Members of the La Loche RCMP are available to answer questions or to report unsafe ATV driving practices at 1-306-822-2010.