Kopchynski acclaimed as newest Catholic School Division trustee

Submitted Photo Jason Kopchynski is a new trustee in the Prince Albert Catholic School Division after being elected by acclamation.

When the election declaration season closed the Prince Albert Catholic School Division had six candidates for trustee and therefore the board was elected by acclamation for the next four years.

Jason Kopchynski was newly elected and joins re-elected board members Crystal Halliday, Patrick Hordyski, Andrea Ring, Darryl Sande,Suzanne Stubbs and Darlene Slater.

Kopchynski, who is a dentist in his professional life explained that he is a graduate of Ecole St. Mary High School in 2006 and returned to his hometown to work after completing school

“I was just actually thinking of ways that I could kind of get more involved in the community and give back,” Kopchynski said.

At Ride for Refuge in October he met up with several trustees who encouraged him to enter his name for the last trustee position.

“ And it just kind of seems like a good opportunity and It kind of seems like it would

beneficial for everyone if they got all of the spots filled, so it seemed it would be beneficial for everyone,” he said.

He is a 2006 graduate from St. Mary amd noted that he will be the youngest trustee on the board. He said that he will learn a lot as he becomes a trustee.

“I have been through the school system. I went to Holy Cross and went to Saint Mary’s in Prince Albert. So I had a really good, good experience, a really positive experience. Then I guess I’d like to just see that continue,” he said.

Kopchynski noted that he does not have children in the division.

“I think they’ve kind of mentioned to be nice get a fresh perspective and just going to get someone new at the table to just kind of bring new thoughts and just fresh set of eyes,” he said.

He said that his goals as a newly elected trustee would be to see the positive outcomes continue in the Catholic School Division.

“(it) Sounds like they’ve done pretty well with getting students graduating, trying to maintain and build on that and just trying to see if students now are still having the same positive experience I had, seeing how we can make it better,” Kopchynski said.

Kopchynski explained that being elected by acclamation is a bit different because you are not clear exactly of what support you have.

“Everyone I’ve spoken to has been very supportive. I spoke to my parents, spoke to family and just different members of the community about going into the position beforehand and like I said, lots of people just seemed happy to get someone a little bit younger onto the school board . So even though there wasn’t an election, it seems like everyone’s been very positive and supportive,” he added.

At the time of the declaratio Director of Education Lorel Trumier spoke on behalf of the staff and students of Prince Albert Catholic Schools.

“It is imperative to have local voice support the education process of our children as our province faces many opportunities and challenges,” Trumier said in a release

“Our school division has had many dedicated individuals who have helped to provide quality Catholic education. For over 137 years, all Boards of Education have done a tremendous job preserving Catholic education. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of these extraordinary people who have stepped forward to our local Catholic educational community.

We look forward to working with the newly elected and re-elected trustees to continue this endeavour.”

There are currently 3,200 students and seven schools in the Prince Albert Roman Catholic School Division.
