How to keep your New Year’s resolutions

Ruth Griffiths

Most of us live our lives on autopilot. We have accumulated habits that get us through the day without too many decisions to make. But some of those habits are unhealthy.

On New Year’s Day you may have promised yourself to change one of those habits. The first step to changing a habit is making a plan.

1. Pick just one habit to change. Many people fail at their New Year’s resolutions because they tackle too much change at a time.

Start small. The smaller the better, because habit change is difficult. Trying to take on too much is a recipe for disaster. If your goal is to exercise 30 minutes each day, you can do it 10 minutes at a time. Don’t wait to go to the gym. Build the exercise into your everyday activities. For example, park the car at the farthest end of the lot and push your groceries through the snow for a great workout!

2. Write down your resolution to change. Just saying you’re going to change the habit is not enough of a commitment. You need to actually write it down, on paper. Post that paper on your fridge door.

3. Make a plan to achieve your goal. Include your reasons for changing, the obstacles you might face and how you will overcome them. List people who will help you achieve your plan.

4. Pick a healthier habit to replace the habit you are trying to change. If you want to cut out snacking while you watch TV, what are you going to do instead? Maybe you could drink herbal tea or chew gum. Keep your hands busy with needlework or a jigsaw puzzle. Change it up!

5. Go public. Tell everyone about your plan. Post it on Facebook Make this your Big Day. It builds up anticipation and excitement.Telling other people about your plan will encourage you to stick to your plan and allow them to support you in your desire to become a healthier you.

6. Reward your success. At regular intervals, congratulate yourself for your progress, even small successes. Share your success with others and allow them to assist you to achieve your goals.

Good luck! I’m rooting for you.
