The past week has brought hot weather, and when combined with the humidity from all the recent rain, even higher temperatures.
The forecast calls for temperatures to hit above 25 C during the middle of next week.
This comes after a weekend where temperatures reached above 30 C. Temperatures reached 40 C on Thursday afternoon, but had cooled off by Friday.
Lyle Karasiuk, Director of Logistics and Public Affairs for Parkland Ambulance, said people must be prepared if they’re going to stay cool. That includes finding shade, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen and filling up a water bottle for on the go.
“First of all, you have got to find somewhere to be cool,” Karasiuk said on Friday.
“It is obviously summertime. We’ve been waiting for the heat and we’ve been wanting the heat, so you need to stay hydrated. That’s your first goal. Drink plenty of fluids. When you think that you are thirsty, you already are actually probably a quart low.”
While getting enough water is a common talking point, Karasiuk said the focus on food isn’t often talked about. He said some residents might not feel like eating due to the heat, but they should, even if it’s smaller than normal.
Karasiuk said residents should be mindful of when outside. If you start to feel lightheaded, find some shade or get to a cool place. For homes without central air conditioning, that might involve getting creative. Residents can also lower the air temperature by about five degrees by using a fan.
“We need to obviously find some cool areas, whether that’s outside, whether that’s a spray park, whether that’s a cool shower, (or) more often a tepid bath for the little ones, anything to keep us cool and comfortable,” Karasiuk said.
Residents who live in apartments without air conditioning should go to the common area, Karasiuk said. Other ways to beat the heat are visiting the public library or go window shopping at a store with air conditioning. If you are working outside at a construction site he also advises to get shade, drink lots of water, and eat smaller meals or snacks throughout the day.
Karasiuk reminds people to avoid coffee or tea because they contain caffeine. He also says to avoid anything with added sugars like Slurpees.
As well stay away from alcoholic beverages as much as possible as they act as a dehydrator.
“We just want to remind folks to drink plenty of water while we’re out at the lake. It sure is nice to have a nice beverage. And I mean an ice cold beer or something cold and not to drink on a patio. That might be cool, but it doesn’t do much to hydrate you, so while you’re outside maybe at the lake enjoying the sunshine make sure you pack along plenty of water as well, so those other beverages that you might be consuming.”
Karasiuk also reminds people to be careful and mindful of having children in the heat.
Medications also plays with people’s fluid system, Karasiuk said. If you have concerns around medications talk to your doctor and pharmacist. If you have any questions about what is happening to you Karasiuk said you should call the 811 Health Helpline.
Karasiuk reminded people to be mindful of signs of heat exhaustion.
“If we have to work outside, because lots of people do, we need to stay, hydrated, but be mindful of heat exhaustion and heat stroke symptoms,” he explained.
Feeling thirsty, sweaty and lightheaded are the first signs residents need to find somewhere cool.
“If you don’t address that, then you’re going to need to be mindful,” Karasiuk said. “If you start to vomit and start to feel more dizzy, more lightheaded, more confused, it will just get worse unless you get cooler.”
He advised people to watch for these signs in other people.
“If we’re outdoors working or in friends and family, children, uncontrolled vomiting, dizziness, not acting ourselves is a sure sign that we really need to get somewhere cool, cool, quickly,” he said.
If the symptoms do not resolve quickly within a few hours he said to seek medical treatment.
Karasiuk said that if you find someone at their home to take action.
“Maybe it’s a family member you’re visiting those sorts of things and they are confused, they are dizzy, and their skin is really, really dry. Suggesting that they haven’t been taking enough fluids and this is a true medical emergency. You need to dial 911 or your local emergency number. Get paramedics, get help for them and get them to some definitive care,” Karasiuk said.
He advised residents to find shade in a cool inside rather than taking shelter outside in the shade.
Karaisuk also said that electrolyte replacement through things like Pedialyte is great for both adults and children. He also advised that if you find someone in medical distress outside take immediate action.