Summer outlook indicates pattern of hot, dry weather
You might want to enjoy the rain while it lasts, because according to forecasters from the Weather Network, we won’t be seeing much of it this summer.
The network releases forecasts near the start of each season. This year, they said cold, dry winter would continue later than normal.
Now, they say, the rainiest months on the calendar won’t bring much precipitation.
“Unfortunately, we’re going to be watching for developing heat and developing dry conditions this summer,” said meteorologist Michael Carter.
“The big picture pattern were seeing over the next three months does indicate that we’re going to see hotter than normal conditions, with heat really building through the summer, especially in the second half of the summer. As well — a lot of drier conditions are developing. There is a real lack of moisture in this pattern.”
If it holds true, it means drought-like conditions that are already developing in southern Saskatchewan will continue, worsen and spread.
“(That) is leading us to concerns for a lot of impacts including things like wildfires, and things like agricultural impacts could be quite serious this summer if this dry pattern we’re expecting does materialize.”
For the next few weeks though, current weather patterns, with semi-regular rain, will continue. That means there might be some moisture in the early part of the summer.
The typical thunderstorms, downpours and showers seen in the summer, though, may not materialize.
“We’re expecting those to be somewhat subdued this year,” he said.
“Given the typical year, June, July and August are typically the rainiest months in terms of overall totals for Central Saskatchewan, and if we are drier than normal this year through the summer, then we would really create some serious deficits, which could lead to some significant problems.”
Although warmer than normal temperatures are expected, if there is a silver lining, Carter said, it’s in the fact that most of that heat will be centred over Alberta and B.C.
“As you move east into Saskatchewan and Manitoba, things are going to be closer to normal, and the eastern prairies may even experience some bouts of cooler than normal temperatures at times this year,” he said.
“But for central Saskatchewan, the idea of near to above normal temperatures is what we would expect at this point.”
Nation-wide, that rain the prairies will be missing will be pouring down southern Ontario and Quebec. Both regions expect above normal precipitation. The rest of the country is expecting about normal precipitation, except for interior BC.
The split is similar in terms of temperature. Western Canada, from north to south, as well as the east coast, will feel above normal temperatures. The centre of the country will remain near normal, while a ring around Hudson’s Bay and James Bay will see below normal temperatures.
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