Prince Albert City Council approved the development permit application for the expansion of the Northern Lights Casino, located on Marquis Road West, during their Monday meeting.
Council also approved the affordable housing program application permit made by Prince Albert Community Housing Society (PACH) The eight affordable housing units are located at 354 6th Street East.
Coun. Blake Edwards made the motion to approve both permits, seconded by Coun.Terra Lennox -Zepp who stated the importance of approving the housing construction permit.
Lennox -Zepp while supporting the motion said she appreciates the Prince Albert Community Housing Society (PACH) for the proposed construction of five affordable housing units which will benefit the city.
The eight affordable housing units approved is subject to the applicant entering into a 15 year Operating Agreement with the City, ensuring the units in question remain affordable.
No objection was raised when the discretionary use development permit application for the expansion of the Northern Lights Casino was moved and seconded.