Uko Akpanuko
Daily Herald
The Prince Albert Cosmopolitan Club has donated $6,000 to the Salvation Army in Prince Albert for the specific purpose of replacing the ceiling tiles in the Church building. The club raised the money through football lotteries and bingos. Club president Guy Mounce said the decision was an easy one.
“We always like to support community initiatives and Salvation Army is definitely a leader in supporting the needy personal in our city so we can get behind them pretty easily,” Mounce said. Major Ed Dean the Officer in Charge of the Prince Albert Salvation Army, said they were grateful for the support. “Thank you so much for this generous donation because it is appreciated and in the overall scheme of things when all these pieces come together, it is a nice looking project,” he said. “The donation means we are going to replace all the old and stained ceiling tiles in our building to make it clean and fresh. It enhances the rest of the building that has been worked on. It’s a unique gift because it was specifically for a purpose and that purpose was ceiling tiles.”
“It’s not a typical donation but it is one of those things that people do not often think about,” Major Charlotte Dean added. “It’s kind of like when they do the hospital fundraisers, and they say not everybody that thinks about new mattresses for the beds, or things like that. This is that kind of thing. Somebody’s not going to come in and say, ‘hmmm, can I donate for the ceiing?’ It’s not that kind of thing, so it fits a need.”
Mounce also said that they are always looking for ways to make donations to improve the community.
The Cosmo Club is well known for the Cosmo Lodge and it holds its meeting on every Wednesday night. The club is open to welcoming new members into their fold. For those who will like to join or donate, visit the Club’s website and Facebook page.
–with files from Michael Oleksyn/Daily Heral