Club 99 Supporting the Wakaw Lions Food Bank

Carol Baldwin/LJI Reporter/Wakaw Recorder Wakaw Lions representatives accepting the donation from Club 99.

Carol Baldwin
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Wakaw Recorder

The Wakaw Lions Food Bank has been providing emergency food support in Wakaw for over ten years. When they are made aware of a need in a neighbouring village or amongst rural residents, the Lions will also reach out with assistance. For individuals who need help getting by until their next paycheck or those facing unexpected hardships, a simple call to a local Lions member is all that is required. Confidentiality is a priority; names are not shared with other agencies or individuals.

The Wakaw Lions offer immediate food insecurity support as one part of their many community initiatives and do not have the resources to provide continual support to recipient households week after week.

Throughout the year food drives, cash donations, and fundraising by the Lions themselves and by supporting groups and individuals in and around Wakaw help to keep the shelves stocked for emergency aid. Club 99 held a raffle at their Christmas banquet and donated the proceeds to the Lions and then on Thursday, Dec. 19, they met for their final coffee and social afternoon of 2024, and thanks to an initiative of the executive to support the Food Bank, those attending brought donations of non-perishable food items and cash. Allan and Betty Rybchinski delivered the donations the morning of December 20th, in time to benefit the 2024 Christmas Hamper. 

Many people find it hard to believe that food security is a concern in their town, but both the Wakaw Lions and GNFC report that they are serving more people this year than last, and it is a much greater problem than appears on the surface. In 2022 the Wakaw Lions distributed over 40 food hampers during the year and 30 Christmas hampers and with no economic relief for those experiencing food insecurity the need only continues to grow. Christmas 2024 saw the distribution of more than 30 hampers. 

The long-term service to the community that Lions Food Bank has provided could not be done without the dedication of its volunteers. Lion Rita Goller-Varga is a dedicated organizer of the Lions Food Bank who, along with Lions Terry and Darla, can be reached at any time. To reach out for assistance, contact Rita at 306-233-7783, Terry at 306-233-7909, or Darla at 306-233-7908.
