The Director of Public Works in Prince Albert has called on the community members to report any potholes or cracks on pavement on their streets to the department.
Due to the significant rainfall this summer, pothole repair operations were delayed throughout the city. Public works director Jeff Da Silva said they are working quickly to catch up, with priority given to major arterial streets.
“The City has over 200 km of roadways that we have under maintenance, so it’s impossible for us to know in a timely manner when a pothole shows up,” Da Silva said. “If people are driving over them and noting them and they’re presenting a concern for the community members, that’s the reason we created the report-a-pothole form. That gives us very detailed information about where the pothole is and gives us the ability to respond as quick as we can.”
Potholes are formed when moisture, such as snowmelt or rain, seeps into cracks in the pavement. When this moisture freezes, it expands, putting pressure on the crack and causing the asphalt to break away. Vehicle traffic can further erode the edges, increasing the size of the pothole.
“It’s tricky to determine when we’ll be done,” Da Silva said. “That will depend on the weather. If we get a good stretch of dry weather, that gives the crews more time to get out and complete the list of potholes we’re seeing.”
The timing for the repairs of the road depends on the weather and how many potholes to fill up. Repairs will first focus on high-traffic arterial roadways, school zones and bus routes, the Central Avenue business district, and residential areas.
Streets need to be dry to fill potholes effectively. Potholes are to be repaired using the same priority system used for snow removal, said Silva.
Repairs first focus on high-traffic arterial roadways, school zones and bus routes, the Central Avenue business district, and residential areas.
“So, we are delighted about their feedback receive from the residents so far,” said Da Silva.