Christmas carols played on the radio and Christmas displays in local stores signal one of the busiest times of the year. But in our haste to get the decorations put up, baking done, entertaining organized and presents bought, we might take short cuts to getting the jobs done a little quicker.
Take a few short minutes before hanging decorations to:
- Check all electrical cords for any loose or frayed ends – don’t use broken cords
- When attaching lights to any surfaces use clips vs. staples to prevent puncturing the cord and shorting out the lights.
- Do not overload electrical circuits
- Ensure that ladders are on a solid surface to prevent slippage
- Do not overextend your reach when on a ladder to prevent falls
- Wear good footwear to prevent slips and falls
- Don’t hang tinsel or ornaments on the tree close to floor so small children or pets can reach them creating a chocking hazard.
Hosting any Christmas party requires considerable planning not just in what to serve the guests and whom to invite but in preventing illness or injury after the party:
- If alcohol is being served, consider alternative safe transportation such as a taxi or designated driver. Guests may consider staying the night too!
- If a designated driver is present, ensure plenty of non-alcoholic beverages.
- Ensure that hot food says hot and cold food says cold when setting out buffets for your guests. Put food away as soon as the meal has been served to prevent food borne illness.
- Never leave food out overnight then expect to “clean it up” in the morning
- If you have small children or pets at home, tidy up the house as soon as the guests leave rather than leave food on the table and half consumed drinks out for other to sample when they get up the next morning.
- COVID is still real despite vaccinations – please consider the size of your gathering and other appropriate safety measures
As the rush begins to complete the holiday shopping and to get everything organized remember that the stress of the holiday and the worry about meeting everyone’s needs can be a major cause of stress for you. Take time to relax and enjoy the beauty of the season. Did you know that while a formal first aid class can give you the certification, you don’t need certification to help someone? Here’s a new concept to this year’s holiday season with paying it forward in mind. In an emergency often, we are uncertain of our ability to help. Frightened by the situation or else it doesn’t appear to be “real.” Take for example someone slips on the sidewalk. Would you go out and help? I hope the answer is yes. It isn’t a big deal. But what stops us from helping a strange who lies motionless on the bathroom floor in the hockey arena? Getting an AED, rolling the person over nose to the sky and putting your hands on their chest to push down, hard and fast, doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult. Does it? Lifesaving, better yet, caring for another human being, doesn’t have to complicated. If an emergency exists do something, anything. Give it a try and pay it forward! Merry Christmas from our families to yours. Have a safe family filled holiday season!