The La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Christmas Kick Off event on Sat. Dec. 15 in Patterson Park.
The town of La Ronge offered the Zamboni, used to keep the ice in good condition at the Mel Hegland Arena, to do a turn around and area the park, creating a skating area for families to skate.
Members of the Elks Club were on hand to build fires, and provide hot dogs, oranges and hot chocolate for people from the community.
A fairly large number of families arrived to enjoy the afternoon, despite colder temperatures. They cooked wieners and marshmallows around the fire, while keeping warm, and visiting.
As the event was held later in the afternoon, it was getting dark when a helicopter came into view through the darkening sky, landing at the lakeshore, thanks to arrowhead Helicopters.
Surprise, when the helicopter successfully land, Jolly Old St. Nick, stepped off and began greeting everyone and handing out candy canes to the children gathered.
The event ended with the lighting of the Town of La Ronge Christmas Tree and the festive season was officially launched in the Town.